Minnesota Agriculture in the Classroom organizes and hosts virtual tour of Sarah and Rick Ahlgren's milking robot barn

OCTOBER 29, 2020

Visit Ahlgren Dairy near Darwin, Minnesota.

Darwin, Minnesota, is home to the largest ball of twine, and it’s also the community where Ahlgren Dairy calls home.

Meet dairy farmers Rick and Sarah Ahlgren who recently invested in their farm to add robotic technology. During the tour, learn how the new technology helps their family care for the cows, the environment, and the community to produce a safe, sustainable and nutritious product.

Sarah and Rick Ahlgren show us their milking robots, cows laying on DCC Waterbeds, the feed kitchen and the poop vacuum. Robotics, automation and cow comfort are the highest priorities on the Ahlgren Dairy. They live on the farm with their 6 children in Central Minnesota.

Thank you Sarah and Rick for the tour and Minnesota Agriculture in the Classroom for organizing and hosting the virtual tour (Virtual Field Trip-Ahlgren Dairy).

Many thanks to our local dealer, Leedstone, for the continued support of the Ahlgren Dairy Farm.

A few of my favorite sections in the video tour:

4:30min: How do you know when a cow is happy and comfortable?

Rick - "Cows are very friendly and curious....if she laying down chewing her cud, she is healthy and happy."

5:15min: Rick talks about the cows laying down on DCC Waterbeds, and how the water moves with the cow.

31min - Rick and Sarah talk about their favorite part of dairy farming.

What are your favorite parts of the tour?


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